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About the Series

Exodus is a conversion story—a story that begins with God’s people building cities for this world’s king, and closes with the people of God erecting a tent for the Lord’s presence. How does this people in hard service to Pharaoh find themselves in service to heaven’s king? In the story of Exodus God’s agenda is to make himself known. He makes himself known through how he saves, through what he says to the people he redeems, and through where he settles. Exodus is the story of how Israel came to know God personally. It is also the story of how we come to know God personally. 

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Week 1 – 3.8.20

Out of Egypt

Text: Exodus 1-15 – Speaker: Trent Hunter

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Week 2 – 3.15.20

Up the Mountain

Text: Exodus 16-24 – Speaker: Trent Hunter

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Week 3 – 3.22.20

Into the Tent

Text: Exodus 25-40 – Speaker: Trent Hunter

Sermon Archive

Heritage has been sustained and shaped by the preaching of the Word over many years. Searchable access to many of these sermons is available at